Rental search

Barneda agency is a holiday rent agency in Roses Costa Brava with long experience. Online booking of houses/villas and flats/apartments in Rosas.

How to book

  • 1.

    Enter the arrival and departure dates Barneda agency is a holiday rent agency in Roses Costa Brava with long experience. Online booking of houses/villas and flats/apartments in Rosas.

  • 2.

    A list of AVAILABLE lodgings will appear when you want to book holidays, and set your preferences. During certain seasons, the system may set a mandatory entry date, or a minimum stay period

  • 3.

    Choose the holiday accommodation you desire and press the “Book” button. You will have to fill a form to start the booking procedure. In the case of payment by transfer, the accommodation will be pre-booked for you for 24 hours, and in the case of payment by credit/debit card, it will appear as booked.